Cerpen Bahasa Inggris The Chokepoint
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Corporal Ramsey bends on his knees, trying to
catch a breath that might be his last. He’s coughing blood, caused by a fatal
wound on his chest. It was an exit wound, and he was lucky enough to be alive
even for just a moment. It was raining; thick mist shrouded the area Bradley’s
Squad was on. Sergeant Bradley closes his eyes as he watches one of his men
getting killed in front of his eyes, by his own indecency. His command and his
bad call led his company to the enemy’s chokepoint, where there were ambushed
by the enemy’s recon unit. The second shot from the church tower window marks
an exclamation of Corporal Ramsey’s demise, a clean shot right between his
Cerpen Bahasa Inggris Everlasting
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Dear D,
I’m leaving this letter on your desk as an
apologize that I may never be able to say directly to you. You need to know who
exactly I am, more than a fifteen years old freshman in your high school, I
always got my tongue twisted everytime I see those sparkling blue eyes of
yours. You may say that I’m stronger than I thought just by looking through my
smile, but here I am, telling you the truth.
I hate myself for saying this: I’m afraid we are
no longer can stay together. It’s only the matter of time before my destiny
decides the last day in my life.
Cerpen Bahasa Inggris Here’s, Yogyakarta!
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Two years ago, I went to
Yogyakarta for my vacation with my grandma. The trip was started in 07.00 p.m.
from Malang, and fortunately we come early, for about at 08.30 a.m. at
Many great places and
destinations were there. We can see a famous temple, such as Prambanan temple.
We can go shopping there, and many other wonderful destinations.
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